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A member registered Aug 21, 2022

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idk why but my guy my homie my milk conesure, it shall not allow me to play on my mac, so if you could do you pizzalovinmilkdrinkin fan a solid and maybe figure out why it will be much appreciated

aaaaaah tis aight i am a Lil late to alotta things 馃槀

how do you add controller to the game? it is possible that i am dumb but i cannot figure out how to

Unfortunately my friend with the best name, you have to completely wipe it all to get the gold 馃ゲ thankfully adding the gold into the equation makes it go much much faster lol, i did that last month and im rn on level 7573 and counting fast lol

srru for da late reply lol but i just wanna fix this lol

yeee it did! idk why or what i did tho :

for some reason and i don't know why but it will not allow me to prestige, if anyone knows why or how to fix this please let me kno